Saturday 7 September 2013

Hello and Welcome!

Wow, what a way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon putting together my very first blog post for The Retail Reports! This blog is the culmination of a number of factors, most significant of which is the desire to communicate with my fellow fashion-consumers out there, as well as provide a space for me to indulge that part of my brain that isn't directed towards the day-to-day operations of a very demanding company.

Research materials

This blog is going to be part personal web-diary, part social commentary on the state of fashion/beauty retail as experienced by a style-conscious professional woman in Brisbane. I'll post on things as varied as: what I bought recently, outfits I'm putting together, bloggers I admire, products I'm reviewing, as well as more serious consideration of what is wrong with Australian retail and how things could possibly be improved.

One should be manicured if one is blogging, no?

I hope this may be of interest to some of you out there. I have found that the online style community of real people enjoying fashion within the realities of a normal life, as opposed to the OTT supermodel/socialite life, to be a wonderful place to spend some time.

I look forward to meeting new people and I hope you enjoy the posts - xo!

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